OpenCAEPoro  v0.5.0
A simulator for multicomponent porous media flow
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CBasicGridPropertyBasic grid properties for output
 CBulkPhysical information of each active reservoir bulk
 CBulkConnProperties and operations on connections between bulks (active grids)
 CBulkPairConnection between two bulks (bId, eId); usually, indices bId > eId
 CComponentParamComponentParam contains information of components
 CControlNRParams for Newton iterations and linear iterations
 CControlPreTimeParams for convergence and material balance error checks
 CControlTimeParams for choosing time stepsize in time marching
 CCOOIJKA structure of three-dimensional coordinates
 CCriticalInfoCollect important information of each time step for fast review
 CDimensDimens contains the dimensions of grids
 CFastControlStore shortcut instructions from the command line
 CGB_PairActive cell indicator and its index among active cells
 CGetWallTimeGet elapsed wall-time in millisecond
 CGPairEffective area of intersection surfaces with neighboring cells
 CHexahedronA hexahedron cell
 CHexahedronFaceA face of a hexahedron cell
 CIsothermalSolverIsothermalSolver class for fluid solution method
 CLinearSolverVirtual base class for linear solvers
 CLinearSystemLinear solvers for discrete systems
 CMatrix33 by 3 matrix
 CNRparamSPParams for NR in Phase Split
 CNRparamSTAParams for NR in Phase Stability Analysis
 COCPControlAll control parameters except for well controllers
 COCPIJK3D coordinate representation in OpenCAEPoro
 COCPOutputManages different kinds of ways to output information
 COCPpolyhedronRecord the initial grid information, all of grids are contained
 COCPType_Sum< T >TODO: Add Doxygen
 COCPType_Sum< string >
 COpenCAEPoroTop-level data structure for the OpenCAEPoro simulator
 COut4RPTCollect more detailed information of each time step
 CParamEQUILInitial reservoir infomation for calculating initial equilibration
 CParamReadPre-processing unit for OpenCAEPoro for reading params from input files
 CPerforationPerforation describe the connections between wells and bulks
 CPoint2DA point in 2D
 CPoint3DA point in 3D
 CRockParamRockParam class contains information about the keyword ROCK
 CRRparamParam for Solving Rachford-Rice Equations
 CSolventDescribe the molar fraction of components of fluid injected to reservoir from INJ
 CSolventINJDescribe the molar fraction of components of fluid injected to reservoir from INJ
 CSolverSolver class for overall solution methods
 CSSMparamSPParams for SSM in Phase Split
 CSSMparamSTAParams for SSM in Phase Stability Analysis
 CSumItemAuxiliary structure storing summary data to output
 CSummaryManages the output in the summary file
 CThermalSolverThermalSolver class for fluid solution method
 CTuningPairTODO: Add Doxygen
 CType_A_oUsed to store the contents of keyword whose contents are in form of string
 CType_A_r< T >
 CType_A_r< OCP_DBL >
 CType_A_r< vector< OCP_DBL > >
 CType_B_oUsed to store the contents of keyword whose contents are in form of coordinates
 CWellParamTODO: Add Doxygen