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A simulator for multicomponent porous media flow
CAllWells | |
CBasicGridProperty | Basic grid properties for output |
CBasicGridPropertyParam | |
CBOMixture | BOMixture is inherited class of Mixture, it's used for black oil model |
CBOMixture_ODGW | |
CBOMixture_OW | |
CBOMixture_W | |
►CBulk | Physical information of each active reservoir bulk |
CBulkConn | Properties and operations on connections between bulks (active grids) |
CBulkPair | Connection between two bulks (bId, eId); usually, indices bId > eId |
CComponentParam | ComponentParam contains information of components |
CConnGrid | ??? |
CControlNR | Params for Newton iterations and linear iterations |
CControlPreTime | Params for convergence and material balance error checks |
CControlTime | Params for choosing time stepsize in time marching |
CCOOIJK | A structure of three-dimensional coordinates |
CCriticalInfo | Collect important information of each time step for fast review |
CDimens | Dimens contains the dimensions of grids |
CEoScontrol | |
CFaspSolver | Basic FASP solver class |
CFastControl | Store shortcut instructions from the command line |
CFlowUnit | |
CFlowUnit_ODGW | |
CFlowUnit_ODGW01 | |
CFlowUnit_ODGW01_Miscible | |
CFlowUnit_ODGW02 | |
CFlowUnit_OG | |
CFlowUnit_OW | |
CFlowUnit_W | |
CGB_Pair | Active cell indicator and its index among active cells |
CGeneralConnect | ??? |
CGetWallTime | Get elapsed wall-time in millisecond |
CGPair | Effective area of intersection surfaces with neighboring cells |
CGrid | |
CHalfConn | ??? |
CHeatLoss | |
CHexahedron | A hexahedron cell |
CHexahedronFace | A face of a hexahedron cell |
CHLoss | |
CIsoT_AIMc | |
CIsoT_FIM | IsoT_FIM is FIM (Fully Implicit Method) |
CIsoT_FIMn | |
CIsoT_IMPEC | IsoT_IMPEC is IMPEC (implicit pressure explict saturation) method |
CIsothermalMethod | |
CIsothermalSolver | IsothermalSolver class for fluid solution method |
CLinearSolver | Virtual base class for linear solvers |
CLinearSystem | Linear solvers for discrete systems |
CMatrix3 | 3 by 3 matrix |
CMiscible | |
CMiscstr | |
CMixture | |
CMixtureComp | |
CMixtureThermal | |
CMixtureThermal_K01 | |
CNRparamSP | Params for NR in Phase Split |
CNRparamSTA | Params for NR in Phase Stability Analysis |
COCP_COORD | ??? |
COCPControl | All control parameters except for well controllers |
COCPIJK | 3D coordinate representation in OpenCAEPoro |
COCPOutput | Manages different kinds of ways to output information |
COCPpolyhedron | Record the initial grid information, all of grids are contained |
COCPRes | |
COCPTable | |
COCPType_Sum | TODO: Add Doxygen |
COpenCAEPoro | Top-level data structure for the OpenCAEPoro simulator |
COptionalFeatures | |
COut4RPT | Collect more detailed information of each time step |
COut4VTK | |
COutput4Vtk | |
COutputRPTParam | |
COutputSummary | |
COutputVTKParam | |
CParamControl | |
CParamEQUIL | Initial reservoir infomation for calculating initial equilibration |
CParamOutput | |
CParamRead | Pre-processing unit for OpenCAEPoro for reading params from input files |
CParamReservoir | |
CParamWell | |
CPerforation | Perforation describe the connections between wells and bulks |
CPoint2D | A point in 2D |
CPoint3D | A point in 3D |
CReservoir | |
CRock | |
CRock_Linear | |
CRockIso | |
CRockParam | RockParam class contains information about the keyword ROCK |
CRockT | |
CRockT_Exp | |
CRockT_Linear | |
CRRparam | Param for Solving Rachford-Rice Equations |
CScalarFaspSolver | Scalar solvers in CSR format from FASP |
CScalePcow | |
CSkipStaAnaly | |
CSolvent | Describe the molar fraction of components of fluid injected to reservoir from INJ |
CSolventINJ | Describe the molar fraction of components of fluid injected to reservoir from INJ |
CSolver | Solver class for overall solution methods |
CSSMparamSP | Params for SSM in Phase Split |
CSSMparamSTA | Params for SSM in Phase Stability Analysis |
CSumItem | Auxiliary structure storing summary data to output |
CSummary | Manages the output in the summary file |
CT_FIM | |
CTableSet | |
CThermalSolver | ThermalSolver class for fluid solution method |
CTuningPair | TODO: Add Doxygen |
CType_A_o | Used to store the contents of keyword whose contents are in form of string |
CType_A_r | |
CType_B_o | Used to store the contents of keyword whose contents are in form of coordinates |
CVectorFaspSolver | Vector solvers in BSR format from FASP |
CWell | |
CWellGroup | |
CWellOpt | |
CWellOptPair | |
CWellOptParam | |
CWellParam | TODO: Add Doxygen |