OpenCAEPoro  v0.5.0
A simulator for multicomponent porous media flow
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | List of all members
ParamReservoir Class Reference

#include <ParamReservoir.hpp>

Public Member Functions

vector< OCP_DBL > * FindPtr (const string &varName)
 Find pointer to the specified variable. More...
TableSetFindPtr_T (const string &varName)
 Find pointer to the specified table. More...
void Init ()
 Initialize the default value in reservoir, such as temperature, density, table. More...
void InitTable ()
 Initialize the tables' name and num of colum. More...
template<typename T >
void setVal (vector< T > &obj, const T &val, const vector< USI > &index)
 It's used in InputEQUALS, assigning values in batches. More...
template<typename T >
void CopyVal (vector< T > &obj, const vector< T > &src, const vector< USI > &index)
 It's used in InputCOPY, copying the value of one variable to another. More...
void MultiplyVal (vector< OCP_DBL > &obj, const OCP_DBL &val, const vector< USI > &index)
 TODO: Add Doxygen. More...
void InputCOMPS (ifstream &ifs)
 TODO: Add Doxygen. More...
void InputDIMENS (ifstream &ifs)
 TODO: Add Doxygen. More...
void DisplayDIMENS ()
 Display the dimens, it's used to chech input. More...
void InputRTEMP (ifstream &ifs)
 Input the keyword: RTEMP. RTEMP gives the temperature of reservoir. More...
void InputEQUALS (ifstream &ifs)
 TODO: Add Doxygen. More...
void InputGRID (ifstream &ifs, string &keyword)
 TODO: Add Doxygen. More...
void InputCOPY (ifstream &ifs)
 Input the keyword: COPY. COPY could copy the value of one variable to another. More...
void InputMULTIPLY (ifstream &ifs)
 TODO: Add Doxygen. More...
void InputTABLE (ifstream &ifs, const string &tabName)
 Input PVTtable and SATtable such as SWOF, PVCO. More...
void InputROCK (ifstream &ifs)
 Read data from the ROCK keyword. More...
void InputROCKT (ifstream &ifs)
 Input Rock information for ifThermal model. More...
void InputHLOSS (ifstream &ifs)
 Input heat loss property for overburden rock and underburden rock.
void InputMISCSTR (ifstream &ifs)
 Input the Miscibility information. More...
void InputGRAVITY (ifstream &ifs)
 Input the reference gravity of oil, water, and air in standard condition. More...
void InputDENSITY (ifstream &ifs)
 Input the reference density of oil, water, and air in standard condition. More...
void InputTHCON (ifstream &ifs, const string &keyword)
 Input the phase ifThermal conductivity. More...
void InputEQUIL (ifstream &ifs)
 EQUIL contains initial information of reservoir; see ParamEQUIL. More...
void InputTABDIMS (ifstream &ifs)
 TABDIMS contains the num of saturation region and PVT region. More...
void InputRegion (ifstream &ifs, const string &keyword)
 Input the keyword: SATNUM and PVTNUM. More...
void InputCNAMES (ifstream &ifs)
void InputCOMPONENTS (ifstream &ifs, const string &keyword)
void InputLBCCOEF (ifstream &ifs)
void InputBIC (ifstream &ifs)
void InputVISCTAB (ifstream &ifs)
void InputRefPR (ifstream &ifs, const string &keyword)
void InputSSMSTA (ifstream &ifs)
void InputNRSTA (ifstream &ifs)
void InputSSMSP (ifstream &ifs)
void InputNRSP (ifstream &ifs)
void InputRR (ifstream &ifs)
void CheckParam ()
 Check the reservoir param from input file. More...
void CheckGrid ()
 Check the size of properties of grids. More...
void CheckRock ()
 Check Rock. More...
void CheckEQUIL () const
 Check if keyword EQUIL is given. More...
void CheckDenGra () const
 Check if density and gravity are both input, only one of them is needed. More...
void CheckPhase () const
 Check existence of disgas, it could only exist when both oil and gas exist. More...
void CheckPhaseTab () const
 Check existence of PVTtable and SATtable. More...
void CheckRegion () const
 Check if each grid is assigned to an area or all defaulted. More...
void CheckEqlRegion () const
 (Todo) Initialization of equilibration of only one region is realized. More...

Public Attributes

Dimens dimens
 Dimension of grid: the number of grids along x,y,z direction.
OCP_USI numGrid
 Num of grids.
vector< OCP_DBLtops
 Depth of the top surface of the uppermost grids.
vector< OCP_DBLdx
 Size along the x - direction for each grid.
vector< OCP_DBLdy
 Size along the y - direction for each grid.
vector< OCP_DBLdz
 Size along the z - direction for each grid.
vector< OCP_DBLcoord
 TODO: Add Doxygen.
vector< OCP_DBLzcorn
 TODO: Add Doxygen.
vector< OCP_DBLntg
 Net to gross for each grid.
vector< OCP_DBLporo
 Porosity for each grid.
vector< OCP_DBLpermX
 Permeability along the x - direction for each grid.
vector< OCP_DBLpermY
 Permeability along the y-direction for each grid.
vector< OCP_DBLpermZ
 Permeability along the z-direction for each grid.
vector< OCP_DBLthconr
 Rock ifThermal conductivity.
OCP_DBL rsTemp
 Temperature for reservoir.
vector< RockParamrockSet
 a set of rock
HLoss hLoss
 Heat loss property.
Miscstr miscstr
 reference Miscibility surface tension
vector< OCP_DBLP
 Initial pressure of components in each grid.
vector< OCP_DBLNi
 Initial moles of components in each grid.
vector< OCP_DBLSwat
 Initial water saturation in each grid.
 whether Pcow should be scaled.
Type_A_r< OCP_DBLdensity
 Density of oil, water, gas in standard conditions.
Type_A_r< OCP_DBLgravity
 Gravity of oil, water, gas in standard conditions.
OCP_DBL thcono {24}
 oil ifThermal conductivity
OCP_DBL thcong {24}
 gas ifThermal conductivity
OCP_DBL thconw {24}
 water ifThermal conductivity
 If ture, blackoil model will be used.
 If OCP_TRUE, compositional model will be used.
 If OCP_TRUE, ifThermal model will be used.
 If OCP_TRUE, oil phase could exist.
 If OCP_TRUE, gas phase could exist.
 If OCP_TRUE, water phase could exist.
 If OCP_TRUE, dissolve gas could exist in oil phase.
ComponentParam comsParam
 information for components
 Num of SAT regions.
 Num of PVT regions.
 Num of Rock regions.
 Records the index of SAT region for each grid.
 Records the index of PVT region for each grid.
 Records the index of Active region for each grid.
 Records the index of ROCK region for each grid.
TableSet SWFN_T
 Table set of SWFN.
TableSet SWOF_T
 Table set of SWOF.
TableSet SGFN_T
 Table set of SGFN.
TableSet SGOF_T
 Table set of SGOF.
TableSet SOF3_T
 Table set of SOF3.
TableSet PBVD_T
 Table set of PBVD.
TableSet ZMFVD_T
 Table set of ZMFVD.
 Table set of TEMPVD.
 See ParamEQUIL.
USI numPhase
 Number of phases.
USI numCom
TableSet PVCO_T
 Table set of PVCO.
TableSet PVDO_T
 Table set of PVDO.
TableSet PVDG_T
 Table set of PVDG.
TableSet PVTW_T
 Table set of PVTW.

Detailed Description

ParamReservoir is an internal structure used to stores the information of reservoir(except wells) from input files. It is an intermediate interface and independent of the main simulator. After all file inputting finishs, the params in it will pass to corresponding modules.

Definition at line 209 of file ParamReservoir.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CheckDenGra()

void ParamReservoir::CheckDenGra ( ) const

Check if density and gravity are both input, only one of them is needed.

TODO: Add Doxygen.

Definition at line 852 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

853 {
854  if (density.activity && gravity.activity) {
855  OCP_ABORT("Both DENSITY and GRAVITY have been given, just one can be used!");
856  }
857 }
#define OCP_ABORT(msg)
Abort if critical error happens.
Definition: UtilError.hpp:47
Type_A_r< OCP_DBL > density
Density of oil, water, gas in standard conditions.
Type_A_r< OCP_DBL > gravity
Gravity of oil, water, gas in standard conditions.
OCP_BOOL activity
If OCP_FALSE, this param is not given.

References Type_A_r< T >::activity, density, gravity, and OCP_ABORT.

◆ CheckEqlRegion()

void ParamReservoir::CheckEqlRegion ( ) const

(Todo) Initialization of equilibration of only one region is realized.

TODO: Add Doxygen.

Definition at line 901 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

902 {
903  if ( > 1) {
904  OCP_ABORT("More than one equilibrium region is not supported!");
905  }
906 }
TableSet PBVD_T
Table set of PBVD.
vector< vector< vector< OCP_DBL > > > data
All table with the same name.

References TableSet::data, OCP_ABORT, and PBVD_T.

◆ CheckEQUIL()

void ParamReservoir::CheckEQUIL ( ) const

Check if keyword EQUIL is given.

Check EQUIL keyword.

Definition at line 846 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

847 {
848  if (EQUIL.empty()) OCP_ABORT("EQUIL is missing!");
849 }
vector< OCP_DBL > EQUIL
See ParamEQUIL.

References EQUIL, and OCP_ABORT.

◆ CheckGrid()

void ParamReservoir::CheckGrid ( )

Check the size of properties of grids.

Check data dimension for potential problems.

Definition at line 813 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

814 {
815  if (coord.size() == 0) {
816  if (tops.size() != dimens.nx * dimens.ny) OCP_ABORT("Wrong TOPS size!");
817  if (dx.size() != numGrid) OCP_ABORT("Wrong DX size!");
818  if (dy.size() != numGrid) OCP_ABORT("Wrong DY size!");
819  if (dz.size() != numGrid) OCP_ABORT("Wrong DZ size!");
820  } else {
821  if (coord.size() != (dimens.nx + 1) * (dimens.ny + 1) * 6)
822  OCP_ABORT("Wrong COORD size!");
823  if (zcorn.size() != numGrid * 8) OCP_ABORT("Wrong ZCORN size!");
824  }
826  if (poro.size() != numGrid) OCP_ABORT("Wrong PORO size!");
827  if (permX.size() != numGrid) OCP_ABORT("Wrong PERMX size!");
828  if (permY.size() != numGrid) OCP_ABORT("Wrong PERMY size!");
829  if (permZ.size() != numGrid) OCP_ABORT("Wrong PERMZ size!");
831  if (ntg.size() != numGrid) {
832  ntg.resize(numGrid, 1);
833  cout << "Set net-to-gross ratio to 1.0!" << endl;
834  }
835 }
USI nx
Num of bulks along x-direction.
USI ny
Num of bulks along y-direction.
vector< OCP_DBL > permY
Permeability along the y-direction for each grid.
vector< OCP_DBL > zcorn
TODO: Add Doxygen.
vector< OCP_DBL > poro
Porosity for each grid.
vector< OCP_DBL > dy
Size along the y - direction for each grid.
vector< OCP_DBL > permX
Permeability along the x - direction for each grid.
vector< OCP_DBL > permZ
Permeability along the z-direction for each grid.
vector< OCP_DBL > dx
Size along the x - direction for each grid.
vector< OCP_DBL > tops
Depth of the top surface of the uppermost grids.
vector< OCP_DBL > ntg
Net to gross for each grid.
vector< OCP_DBL > coord
TODO: Add Doxygen.
Dimens dimens
Dimension of grid: the number of grids along x,y,z direction.
vector< OCP_DBL > dz
Size along the z - direction for each grid.
OCP_USI numGrid
Num of grids.

References coord, dimens, dx, dy, dz, ntg, numGrid, Dimens::nx, Dimens::ny, OCP_ABORT, permX, permY, permZ, poro, tops, and zcorn.

◆ CheckParam()

void ParamReservoir::CheckParam ( )

Check the reservoir param from input file.

Check consistency of input parameters.

Definition at line 802 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

803 {
804  CheckGrid();
805  CheckEQUIL();
806  CheckDenGra();
807  CheckPhase();
808  CheckRegion();
809  CheckRock();
810 }
void CheckEQUIL() const
Check if keyword EQUIL is given.
void CheckPhase() const
Check existence of disgas, it could only exist when both oil and gas exist.
void CheckGrid()
Check the size of properties of grids.
void CheckRegion() const
Check if each grid is assigned to an area or all defaulted.
void CheckDenGra() const
Check if density and gravity are both input, only one of them is needed.
void CheckRock()
Check Rock.

References CheckDenGra(), CheckEQUIL(), CheckGrid(), CheckPhase(), CheckRegion(), and CheckRock().

◆ CheckPhase()

void ParamReservoir::CheckPhase ( ) const

Check existence of disgas, it could only exist when both oil and gas exist.

TODO: Add Doxygen.

Definition at line 860 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

861 {
862  if (blackOil && disGas && (!gas && !oil)) {
863  OCP_ABORT("DISGAS can only be used only if OIL and GAS are both present!");
864  }
865 }
If OCP_TRUE, oil phase could exist.
If OCP_TRUE, gas phase could exist.
OCP_BOOL blackOil
If ture, blackoil model will be used.
If OCP_TRUE, dissolve gas could exist in oil phase.

References blackOil, disGas, gas, OCP_ABORT, and oil.

◆ CheckPhaseTab()

void ParamReservoir::CheckPhaseTab ( ) const

Check existence of PVTtable and SATtable.

Check tables: Different tables will be used under different conditions.

Definition at line 868 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

869 {
870  if (!blackOil && !comps) OCP_ABORT("Unknown model: Use BLACKOIL or COMPS!");
872  if (water && oil && OCP_ABORT("SWOF is missing!");
873  if (gas && oil && OCP_ABORT("SGOF is missing!");
874  if (water && OCP_ABORT("PVTW is missing!");
876  if (blackOil) {
877  if (oil && disGas && OCP_ABORT("PVCO is missing!");
878  if (oil && (!disGas) && OCP_ABORT("PVDO is missing!");
879  if (gas && OCP_ABORT("PVDG is missing!");
880  }
881 }
TableSet PVDG_T
Table set of PVDG.
TableSet PVDO_T
Table set of PVDO.
OCP_BOOL comps
If OCP_TRUE, compositional model will be used.
TableSet SGOF_T
Table set of SGOF.
TableSet PVTW_T
Table set of PVTW.
TableSet SWOF_T
Table set of SWOF.
TableSet PVCO_T
Table set of PVCO.
OCP_BOOL water
If OCP_TRUE, water phase could exist.

References blackOil, comps, TableSet::data, disGas, gas, OCP_ABORT, oil, PVCO_T, PVDG_T, PVDO_T, PVTW_T, SGOF_T, SWOF_T, and water.

◆ CheckRegion()

void ParamReservoir::CheckRegion ( ) const

Check if each grid is assigned to an area or all defaulted.

TODO: Add Doxygen.

Definition at line 884 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

885 {
886  if (SATNUM.activity && != numGrid) {
887  OCP_ABORT("Missing data in SATNUM!");
888  }
889  if (PVTNUM.activity && != numGrid) {
890  OCP_ABORT("Missing data in PVTNUM!");
891  }
892  if (ACTNUM.activity && != numGrid) {
893  OCP_ABORT("Missing data in ACTNUM!");
894  }
895  if (ROCKNUM.activity && != numGrid) {
896  OCP_ABORT("Missing data in ROCKNUM!");
897  }
898 }
Records the index of SAT region for each grid.
Records the index of Active region for each grid.
Records the index of PVT region for each grid.
Records the index of ROCK region for each grid.
vector< T > data
Data of param.

References Type_A_r< T >::activity, ACTNUM, Type_A_r< T >::data, numGrid, OCP_ABORT, PVTNUM, ROCKNUM, and SATNUM.

◆ CheckRock()

void ParamReservoir::CheckRock ( )

Check Rock.

Check rock keyword.

Definition at line 838 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

839 {
840  if (rockSet.size() != NTROOC) {
841  OCP_ABORT("Wrong ROCK or ROCKT!");
842  }
843 }
vector< RockParam > rockSet
a set of rock
Num of Rock regions.

References NTROOC, OCP_ABORT, and rockSet.

◆ CopyVal()

template<typename T >
void ParamReservoir::CopyVal ( vector< T > &  obj,
const vector< T > &  src,
const vector< USI > &  index 

It's used in InputCOPY, copying the value of one variable to another.

TODO: Add Doxygen.

Definition at line 243 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

246 {
247  USI Nx = dimens.nx;
248  USI Ny = dimens.ny;
249  OCP_USI NxNy = Nx * Ny;
250  OCP_USI id = 0;
252  for (USI k = index[4]; k <= index[5]; k++) {
253  for (USI j = index[2]; j <= index[3]; j++) {
254  for (USI i = index[0]; i <= index[1]; i++) {
255  id = k * NxNy + j * Nx + i;
256  obj[id] = src[id];
257  }
258  }
259  }
260 }
unsigned int USI
Generic unsigned integer.
Definition: OCPConst.hpp:23
unsigned int OCP_USI
Long unsigned integer.
Definition: OCPConst.hpp:25

References dimens, Dimens::nx, and Dimens::ny.

◆ DisplayDIMENS()

void ParamReservoir::DisplayDIMENS ( )

Display the dimens, it's used to chech input.

TODO: Add Doxygen.

Definition at line 310 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

311 {
312  cout << "\n---------------------" << endl
313  << "DIMENS"
314  << "\n---------------------" << endl;
315  cout << " " << dimens.nx << " " << dimens.ny << " " << << endl;
316 }
USI nz
Num of bulks along z-direction.

References dimens, Dimens::nx, Dimens::ny, and Dimens::nz.

◆ FindPtr()

vector< OCP_DBL > * ParamReservoir::FindPtr ( const string &  varName)

Find pointer to the specified variable.

Find corresponding variable according to the name of variable. It is used for the basic properties of reservoir such as DX.

Definition at line 15 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

16 {
17  vector<OCP_DBL>* myPtr = nullptr;
19  switch (Map_Str2Int(&varName[0], varName.size())) {
20  case Map_Str2Int("DX", 2):
21  dx.reserve(numGrid);
22  myPtr = &dx;
23  break;
25  case Map_Str2Int("DY", 2):
26  dy.reserve(numGrid);
27  myPtr = &dy;
28  break;
30  case Map_Str2Int("DZ", 2):
31  dz.reserve(numGrid);
32  myPtr = &dz;
33  break;
35  case Map_Str2Int("COORD", 5):
36  coord.reserve((dimens.nx + 1) * (dimens.ny + 1) * 6);
37  myPtr = &coord;
38  break;
40  case Map_Str2Int("ZCORN", 5):
41  zcorn.reserve(numGrid * 8);
42  myPtr = &zcorn;
43  break;
45  case Map_Str2Int("PORO", 4):
46  poro.reserve(numGrid);
47  myPtr = &poro;
48  break;
50  case Map_Str2Int("NTG", 3):
51  ntg.reserve(numGrid);
52  myPtr = &ntg;
53  break;
55  case Map_Str2Int("PERMX", 5):
56  permX.reserve(numGrid);
57  myPtr = &permX;
58  break;
60  case Map_Str2Int("PERMY", 5):
61  permY.reserve(numGrid);
62  myPtr = &permY;
63  break;
65  case Map_Str2Int("PERMZ", 5):
66  permZ.reserve(numGrid);
67  myPtr = &permZ;
68  break;
70  case Map_Str2Int("THCONR", 6):
71  thconr.reserve(numGrid);
72  myPtr = &thconr;
73  break;
75  case Map_Str2Int("TOPS", 4):
76  tops.reserve(dimens.nx * dimens.ny);
77  myPtr = &tops;
78  break;
80  case Map_Str2Int("PRESSURE", 8):
81  P.reserve(numGrid);
82  myPtr = &P;
83  break;
85  case Map_Str2Int("Ni", 2):
86  Ni.reserve(numGrid);
87  myPtr = &Ni;
88  break;
90  case Map_Str2Int("SWATINIT", 8):
91  Swat.reserve(numGrid);
92  myPtr = &Swat;
93  ScalePcow = OCP_TRUE;
94  break;
96  case Map_Str2Int("SATNUM", 6):
97  SATNUM.activity = OCP_TRUE;
99  myPtr = &;
100  break;
102  case Map_Str2Int("PVTNUM", 6):
103  PVTNUM.activity = OCP_TRUE;
105  myPtr = &;
106  break;
108  case Map_Str2Int("ROCKNUM", 7):
109  ROCKNUM.activity = OCP_TRUE;
111  myPtr = &;
112  break;
113  }
115  return myPtr;
116 }
constexpr long long Map_Str2Int(const char *mystr, const USI &len)
Definition: UtilInput.hpp:34
vector< OCP_DBL > Ni
Initial moles of components in each grid.
vector< OCP_DBL > thconr
Rock ifThermal conductivity.
vector< OCP_DBL > Swat
Initial water saturation in each grid.
vector< OCP_DBL > P
Initial pressure of components in each grid.

References coord, dimens, dx, dy, dz, Map_Str2Int(), Ni, ntg, numGrid, Dimens::nx, Dimens::ny, P, permX, permY, permZ, poro, Swat, thconr, tops, and zcorn.

◆ FindPtr_T()

TableSet * ParamReservoir::FindPtr_T ( const string &  varName)

Find pointer to the specified table.

Find corresponding variable according to the name of variable. It is used for the scope of the table.

Definition at line 119 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

120 {
121  TableSet* myPtr = nullptr;
123  switch (Map_Str2Int(&varName[0], varName.size())) {
124  case Map_Str2Int("SWFN", 4):
125  myPtr = &SWFN_T;
126  break;
128  case Map_Str2Int("SWOF", 4):
129  myPtr = &SWOF_T;
130  break;
132  case Map_Str2Int("SGFN", 4):
133  myPtr = &SGFN_T;
134  break;
136  case Map_Str2Int("SGOF", 4):
137  myPtr = &SGOF_T;
138  break;
140  case Map_Str2Int("SOF3", 4):
141  myPtr = &SOF3_T;
142  break;
144  case Map_Str2Int("PBVD", 4):
145  myPtr = &PBVD_T;
146  break;
148  case Map_Str2Int("PVCO", 4):
149  myPtr = &PVCO_T;
150  break;
152  case Map_Str2Int("PVDO", 4):
153  myPtr = &PVDO_T;
154  break;
156  case Map_Str2Int("PVDG", 4):
157  myPtr = &PVDG_T;
158  break;
160  case Map_Str2Int("PVTW", 4):
161  myPtr = &PVTW_T;
162  break;
164  case Map_Str2Int("ZMFVD", 5):
165  myPtr = &ZMFVD_T;
166  break;
168  case Map_Str2Int("TEMPVD", 6):
169  myPtr = &TEMPVD_T;
170  break;
171  }
173  return myPtr;
174 }
TableSet ZMFVD_T
Table set of ZMFVD.
TableSet SOF3_T
Table set of SOF3.
Table set of TEMPVD.
TableSet SGFN_T
Table set of SGFN.
TableSet SWFN_T
Table set of SWFN.


◆ Init()

void ParamReservoir::Init ( )

Initialize the default value in reservoir, such as temperature, density, table.

Initialize tables and other reservoir parameters.

Definition at line 177 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

178 {
179  InitTable();
182[0] = 45.5; // oil
183[1] = 1.0; // pure water
184[2] = 0.7773; // air
187[0] = 37.457; // The density of oil at surface conditions: lb/ft3
188[1] = 62.366416; // The density of water at surface conditions: lb/ft3
189[2] = 0.062428; // The density of gas at surface conditions: lb/ft3
191  rsTemp = 60.0;
192 }
void InitTable()
Initialize the tables' name and num of colum.
OCP_DBL rsTemp
Temperature for reservoir.

References Type_A_r< T >::data, density, gravity, InitTable(), and rsTemp.

◆ InitTable()

void ParamReservoir::InitTable ( )

Initialize the tables' name and num of colum.

Initialize tables.

Definition at line 195 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

196 {
197 = "SWFN";
198  SWFN_T.colNum = 3;
199 = "SWOF";
200  SWOF_T.colNum = 4;
201 = "SGFN";
202  SGFN_T.colNum = 3;
203 = "SGOF";
204  SGOF_T.colNum = 4;
205 = "SOF3";
206  SOF3_T.colNum = 3;
207 = "PBVD";
208  PBVD_T.colNum = 2;
209 = "PVCO";
210  PVCO_T.colNum = 6;
211 = "PVDO";
212  PVDO_T.colNum = 3;
213 = "PVDG";
214  PVDG_T.colNum = 3;
215 = "PVTW";
216  PVTW_T.colNum = 5;
217 = "ZMFVD"; // colnum equals numCom(hydrocarbon) + 1
218 = "TEMPVD"; // colnum equals 2
219  TEMPVD_T.colNum = 2;
220 }
USI colNum
Number of columns of table.
string name
Name of table.

References TableSet::colNum, TableSet::name, PBVD_T, PVCO_T, PVDG_T, PVDO_T, PVTW_T, SGFN_T, SGOF_T, SOF3_T, SWFN_T, SWOF_T, TEMPVD_T, and ZMFVD_T.

◆ InputCOMPS()

void ParamReservoir::InputCOMPS ( ifstream &  ifs)

TODO: Add Doxygen.

Input the keyword: COMPS. COMPS is used in compositional model, which gives the num of components.

Definition at line 283 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

284 {
285  comps = OCP_TRUE;
286  vector<string> vbuf;
287  ReadLine(ifs, vbuf);
288  numCom = stoi(vbuf[0]);
290  comsParam.Init();
292  cout << endl << "COMPS" << endl;
293  cout << numCom << endl;
294 }
OCP_BOOL ReadLine(ifstream &ifs, vector< string > &result)
Definition: UtilInput.cpp:14
USI numCom
num of components, water is excluded.
void Init()
Init Params.
ComponentParam comsParam
information for components

References comps.

◆ InputCOPY()

void ParamReservoir::InputCOPY ( ifstream &  ifs)

Input the keyword: COPY. COPY could copy the value of one variable to another.

TODO: Add Doxygen.

Definition at line 410 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

411 {
412  cout << "\n---------------------" << endl
413  << "COPY"
414  << "\n---------------------" << endl;
416  vector<string> vbuf;
417  vector<USI> index(6, 0);
419  while (ReadLine(ifs, vbuf)) {
420  if (vbuf[0] == "/") break;
422  for (auto v : vbuf) {
423  if (v != "/") cout << setw(10) << v;
424  }
425  cout << "\n";
427  index[0] = 0, index[1] = dimens.nx - 1;
428  index[2] = 0, index[3] = dimens.ny - 1;
429  index[4] = 0, index[5] = - 1;
431  string srcName = vbuf[0];
432  string objName = vbuf[1];
433  DealDefault(vbuf);
434  for (USI n = 2; n < 8; n++) {
435  if (vbuf[n] != "DEFAULT") index[n - 2] = stoi(vbuf[n]) - 1;
436  }
438  vector<OCP_DBL>* srcPtr = FindPtr(srcName);
439  vector<OCP_DBL>* objPtr = FindPtr(objName);
440  if (srcPtr != nullptr && objPtr != nullptr) {
441  objPtr->resize(srcPtr->size());
442  CopyVal(*objPtr, *srcPtr, index);
443  } else {
444  OCP_ABORT("Wrong object names: " + srcName + ", " + objName);
445  }
446  }
447 }
void DealDefault(vector< string > &result)
Definition: UtilInput.cpp:50
void CopyVal(vector< T > &obj, const vector< T > &src, const vector< USI > &index)
It's used in InputCOPY, copying the value of one variable to another.
vector< OCP_DBL > * FindPtr(const string &varName)
Find pointer to the specified variable.

References CopyVal(), DealDefault(), dimens, FindPtr(), Dimens::nx, Dimens::ny, Dimens::nz, OCP_ABORT, and ReadLine().

◆ InputDENSITY()

void ParamReservoir::InputDENSITY ( ifstream &  ifs)

Input the reference density of oil, water, and air in standard condition.

Read data from the DENSITY keyword.

Definition at line 677 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

678 {
679  vector<string> vbuf;
680  ReadLine(ifs, vbuf);
681  if (vbuf[0] == "/") return;
683  DealDefault(vbuf);
684  OCP_ASSERT(vbuf.size() == 3, "Wrong Keyword DENSITY!");
685  for (USI i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
686  if (vbuf[i] != "DEFAULT") {
687  density.activity = OCP_TRUE;
688[i] = stod(vbuf[i]);
689  }
690  }
692  cout << "\n---------------------" << endl
693  << "DENSITY"
694  << "\n---------------------" << endl;
695  cout <<[0] << " " <<[1] << " " <<[2]
696  << endl;
697 }
#define OCP_ASSERT(cond, msg)
Assert condition and log user messages in DEBUG mode.
Definition: UtilError.hpp:58

References Type_A_r< T >::activity, DealDefault(), density, OCP_ASSERT, and ReadLine().

◆ InputDIMENS()

void ParamReservoir::InputDIMENS ( ifstream &  ifs)

TODO: Add Doxygen.

Input the keyword: DIMENS. DIMENS contain the dimension of grids of reservoir. It gives the num of grids along the x,y,z direction.

Definition at line 297 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

298 {
299  vector<string> vbuf;
300  ReadLine(ifs, vbuf);
301  dimens.nx = stoi(vbuf[0]);
302  dimens.ny = stoi(vbuf[1]);
303 = stoi(vbuf[2]);
306  DisplayDIMENS();
307 }
void DisplayDIMENS()
Display the dimens, it's used to chech input.

References dimens, DisplayDIMENS(), numGrid, Dimens::nx, Dimens::ny, Dimens::nz, and ReadLine().

◆ InputEQUALS()

void ParamReservoir::InputEQUALS ( ifstream &  ifs)

TODO: Add Doxygen.

Input the keyword: EQUALS. EQUALS contains many keywords about grids which has special input format. These keywords contains DX, TOPS, PORO and so on. You can assign values to them in batches

Definition at line 330 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

331 {
332  cout << "\n---------------------" << endl
333  << "EQUALS"
334  << "\n---------------------" << endl;
336  vector<USI> index(6, 0);
337  vector<string> vbuf;
339  while (ReadLine(ifs, vbuf)) {
340  if (vbuf[0] == "/") break;
342  for (auto v : vbuf) {
343  if (v != "/") cout << setw(10) << v;
344  }
345  cout << "\n";
347  index[0] = 0, index[1] = dimens.nx - 1;
348  index[2] = 0, index[3] = dimens.ny - 1;
349  index[4] = 0, index[5] = - 1;
351  string objName = vbuf[0];
352  OCP_DBL val = stod(vbuf[1]);
354  DealDefault(vbuf);
356  for (USI n = 2; n < 8; n++) {
357  if (vbuf[n] != "DEFAULT") index[n - 2] = stoi(vbuf[n]) - 1;
358  }
359  if (index[0] < 0 || index[2] < 0 || index[4] < 0 || index[1] > dimens.nx - 1 ||
360  index[3] > dimens.ny - 1 || index[5] > - 1) {
361  OCP_ABORT("WRONG Range in " + objName + " in EQUALS!");
362  }
364  vector<OCP_DBL>* objPtr = FindPtr(objName);
366  if (objPtr != nullptr) {
367  if (objName == "TOPS") {
368  objPtr->resize(dimens.nx * dimens.ny);
369  index[4] = index[5] = 0;
370  } else {
371  objPtr->resize(numGrid);
372  }
373  setVal(*objPtr, val, index);
374  } else {
375  OCP_ABORT("Wrong object name: " + objName);
376  }
377  }
378 }
double OCP_DBL
Double precision.
Definition: OCPConst.hpp:27
void setVal(vector< T > &obj, const T &val, const vector< USI > &index)
It's used in InputEQUALS, assigning values in batches.

References DealDefault(), dimens, FindPtr(), numGrid, Dimens::nx, Dimens::ny, Dimens::nz, OCP_ABORT, ReadLine(), and setVal().

◆ InputEQUIL()

void ParamReservoir::InputEQUIL ( ifstream &  ifs)

EQUIL contains initial information of reservoir; see ParamEQUIL.

Read data from the EQUIL keyword.

Definition at line 718 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

719 {
720  vector<string> vbuf;
721  ReadLine(ifs, vbuf);
722  if (vbuf[0] == "/") return;
724  EQUIL.resize(6, 0);
725  DealDefault(vbuf);
726  for (USI i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
727  if (vbuf[i] != "DEFAULT") EQUIL[i] = stod(vbuf[i]);
728  }
730  cout << "\n---------------------" << endl
731  << "EQUIL"
732  << "\n---------------------" << endl;
733  cout << " ";
734  for (USI i = 0; i < 6; i++) cout << EQUIL[i] << " ";
735  cout << endl;
736 }

References DealDefault(), EQUIL, and ReadLine().

◆ InputGRAVITY()

void ParamReservoir::InputGRAVITY ( ifstream &  ifs)

Input the reference gravity of oil, water, and air in standard condition.

Read data from the GRAVITY keyword.

Definition at line 655 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

656 {
657  gravity.activity = OCP_TRUE;
658  vector<string> vbuf;
659  ReadLine(ifs, vbuf);
660  if (vbuf[0] == "/") return;
661  DealDefault(vbuf);
662  OCP_ASSERT(vbuf.size() == 4, "Wrong Keyword GRAVITY!");
663  for (USI i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
664  if (vbuf[i] != "DEFAULT") {
665[i] = stod(vbuf[i]);
666  }
667  }
669  cout << "\n---------------------" << endl
670  << "GRAVITY"
671  << "\n---------------------" << endl;
672  cout << " " <<[0] << " " <<[1] << " "
673  <<[2] << endl;
674 }

References Type_A_r< T >::activity, and gravity.

◆ InputGRID()

void ParamReservoir::InputGRID ( ifstream &  ifs,
string &  keyword 

TODO: Add Doxygen.

Input the keyword about grids, actually, it's a supplement for EQUALS. It supplies another way to input the params in EQUALS.

Definition at line 381 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

382 {
383  vector<OCP_DBL>* objPtr = nullptr;
385  objPtr = FindPtr(keyword);
386  if (objPtr == nullptr) {
387  OCP_ABORT("Unknown keyword!");
388  }
390  vector<string> vbuf;
391  while (ReadLine(ifs, vbuf)) {
392  if (vbuf[0] == "/") break;
394  for (auto& str : vbuf) {
395  // if m*n occurs, then push back n m times
396  auto pos = str.find('*');
397  if (pos == string::npos) {
398  objPtr->push_back(stod(str));
399  } else {
400  USI len = str.size();
401  OCP_USI num = stoi(str.substr(0, pos));
402  OCP_DBL val = stod(str.substr(pos + 1, len - (pos + 1)));
403  for (USI i = 0; i < num; i++) objPtr->push_back(val);
404  }
405  }
406  }
407 }

References FindPtr(), OCP_ABORT, and ReadLine().

◆ InputMISCSTR()

void ParamReservoir::InputMISCSTR ( ifstream &  ifs)

Input the Miscibility information.

Read data from the MISCSTR keyword.

Definition at line 632 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

633 {
634  if (!comsParam.miscible) {
635  OCP_WARNING("MISCIBLE has not been declared. Keyword ignored!");
636  } else {
637  vector<string> vbuf;
638  ReadLine(ifs, vbuf);
639  if (vbuf[0] == "/") return;
640  if (vbuf.back() == "/") vbuf.pop_back();
642  USI len = vbuf.size();
643  for (USI i = 0; i < len; i++) {
644  miscstr.surTenRef.push_back(stod(vbuf[i]));
645  }
646  }
647  cout << "\n---------------------" << endl
648  << "MISCSTR"
649  << "\n---------------------" << endl;
650  for (auto& v : miscstr.surTenRef) cout << v << " ";
651  cout << endl;
652 }
#define OCP_WARNING(msg)
Log warning messages.
Definition: UtilError.hpp:39
Miscstr miscstr
reference Miscibility surface tension

References comsParam, ComponentParam::miscible, miscstr, OCP_WARNING, and ReadLine().


void ParamReservoir::InputMULTIPLY ( ifstream &  ifs)

TODO: Add Doxygen.

Input the keyword: MULTIPLY. MULTIIPLY could multiply the value of a certain range of a variable by a coefficient.

Definition at line 450 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

451 {
452  vector<string> vbuf;
453  vector<USI> index(6, 0);
455  while (ReadLine(ifs, vbuf)) {
456  if (vbuf[0] == "/") break;
458  index[0] = 0, index[1] = dimens.nx - 1;
459  index[2] = 0, index[3] = dimens.ny - 1;
460  index[4] = 0, index[5] = - 1;
462  string objName = vbuf[0];
463  OCP_DBL val = stod(vbuf[1]);
465  DealDefault(vbuf);
466  for (USI n = 2; n < 8; n++) {
467  if (vbuf[n] != "DEFAULT") index[n - 2] = stoi(vbuf[n]) - 1;
468  }
470  vector<OCP_DBL>* objPtr = FindPtr(objName);
471  if (objPtr != nullptr) {
472  if (objName == "TOPS") {
473  index[4] = index[5] = 0;
474  }
475  MultiplyVal(*objPtr, val, index);
476  } else {
477  OCP_ABORT("Wrong object name: " + objName);
478  }
479  }
480 }
void MultiplyVal(vector< OCP_DBL > &obj, const OCP_DBL &val, const vector< USI > &index)
TODO: Add Doxygen.

References DealDefault(), dimens, FindPtr(), MultiplyVal(), Dimens::nx, Dimens::ny, Dimens::nz, OCP_ABORT, and ReadLine().

◆ InputRegion()

void ParamReservoir::InputRegion ( ifstream &  ifs,
const string &  keyword 

Input the keyword: SATNUM and PVTNUM.

Region information like SATNUM to decide which grid belongs to which saturation region, so corresponding saturation table will be used.

Definition at line 761 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

762 {
763  Type_A_r<OCP_DBL>* ptr = &PVTNUM;
764  USI lim = NTPVT;
766  if (keyword == "SATNUM") {
767  ptr = &SATNUM;
768  lim = NTSFUN;
769  } else if (keyword == "ACTNUM") {
770  ptr = &ACTNUM;
771  } else if (keyword == "ROCKNUM") {
772  ptr = &ROCKNUM;
773  }
775  ptr->activity = OCP_TRUE;
776  ptr->data.reserve(numGrid);
777  vector<string> vbuf;
778  vector<OCP_USI> obj;
779  vector<USI> region;
781  while (ReadLine(ifs, vbuf)) {
782  if (vbuf[0] == "/") break;
784  for (auto& str : vbuf) {
785  // if m*n occurs, then push back n m times
786  auto pos = str.find('*');
787  if (pos == string::npos) {
788  ptr->data.push_back(stod(str));
789  } else {
790  USI len = str.size();
791  OCP_USI num = stoi(str.substr(0, pos));
792  OCP_DBL val = stod(str.substr(pos + 1, len - (pos + 1)));
793  for (USI i = 0; i < num; i++) ptr->data.push_back(val);
794  }
795  }
796  }
798  cout << "Number of Tables = " << lim << endl;
799 }
Num of SAT regions.
Num of PVT regions.

References Type_A_r< T >::activity, ACTNUM, NTPVT, NTSFUN, PVTNUM, ROCKNUM, and SATNUM.

◆ InputROCK()

void ParamReservoir::InputROCK ( ifstream &  ifs)

Read data from the ROCK keyword.

Input the keyword: ROCK. ROCK contains the compressibility factor and reference pressure at initial porosity.

Definition at line 520 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

521 {
522  cout << "\n---------------------" << endl
523  << "ROCK"
524  << "\n---------------------" << endl;
526  vector<string> vbuf;
527  while (true) {
528  ReadLine(ifs, vbuf);
529  if (vbuf[0] == "/") break;
531  RockParam rock;
532  rock.type = vbuf[0];
533  rock.Pref = stod(vbuf[1]);
534  rock.cp1 = stod(vbuf[2]);
536  if (rock.type == "LINEAR02") {
537  if (vbuf.size() > 3 && vbuf[3] != "/") {
538  rock.cp2 = stod(vbuf[3]);
539  } else {
540  rock.cp2 = rock.cp1;
541  }
542  }
543  rockSet.push_back(rock);
545  cout << " " << rock.type << " " << rock.Pref << " " << rock.cp1 << " "
546  << rock.cp2 << endl;
547  }
548 }
RockParam class contains information about the keyword ROCK.
Compressibility factor of rock in reservoir.
Reference pressure at initial porosity.
string type
LINEAR or EXPONENT for porosity model.
2 order Compressibility factor of rock in reservoir.

References RockParam::cp1, RockParam::cp2, RockParam::Pref, ReadLine(), rockSet, and RockParam::type.

◆ InputROCKT()

void ParamReservoir::InputROCKT ( ifstream &  ifs)

Input Rock information for ifThermal model.

Read data from the ROCK keyword.

Definition at line 551 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

552 {
553  cout << "\n---------------------" << endl
554  << "ROCKT"
555  << "\n---------------------" << endl;
557  RockParam rock;
558  vector<string> vbuf;
559  while (true) {
560  ReadLine(ifs, vbuf);
561  if (vbuf[0] == "/") break;
563  USI index = 0;
564  USI len = vbuf.size();
565  while (index < len) {
566  if (vbuf[index] == "*PORFORM") {
567  rock.type = vbuf[index + 1];
568  } else if (vbuf[index] == "*PRPOR") {
569  rock.Pref = stod(vbuf[index + 1]);
570  } else if (vbuf[index] == "*TRPOR") {
571  rock.Tref = stod(vbuf[index + 1]);
572  } else if (vbuf[index] == "*CPOR") {
573  rock.cp1 = stod(vbuf[index + 1]);
574  } else if (vbuf[index] == "*CTPOR") {
575  rock.ct = stod(vbuf[index + 1]);
576  } else if (vbuf[index] == "*CPTPOR") {
577  rock.cpt = stod(vbuf[index + 1]);
578  } else if (vbuf[index] == "*VOLCONST") {
579  if (vbuf[index + 1] == "BULK") rock.ConstRock = OCP_FALSE;
580  } else if (vbuf[index] == "*CP1") {
581  rock.HCP1 = stod(vbuf[index + 1]);
582  } else if (vbuf[index] == "*CP2") {
583  rock.HCP2 = stod(vbuf[index + 1]);
584  }
585  index += 2;
586  }
587  }
588  rockSet.push_back(rock);
590  cout << "*PORFORM " << rock.type << endl;
591  cout << "*PRPOR " << rock.Pref << endl;
592  cout << "*TRPOR " << rock.Tref << endl;
593  cout << "*CPOR " << rock.cp1 << endl;
594  cout << "*CTPOR " << rock.ct << endl;
595  cout << "*CPTPOR " << rock.cpt << endl;
596  cout << "*VOLCONST " << (rock.ConstRock ? "ROCK" : "BULK") << endl;
597  cout << "*CP1 " << rock.HCP1 << endl;
598  cout << "*CP2 " << rock.HCP2 << endl;
599 }
cross items, ifThermal only
coefficients of the rock enthalpy formula, Btu/ft^3 - F
coefficients of the rock enthalpy formula, Btu/ft^3 - F
Expansion factor of rock in reservoir, ifThermal only.
Reference temperature at initial porosity.
OCP_BOOL ConstRock

References RockParam::ConstRock, RockParam::cp1, RockParam::cpt, RockParam::ct, RockParam::Pref, ReadLine(), RockParam::Tref, and RockParam::type.

◆ InputRTEMP()

void ParamReservoir::InputRTEMP ( ifstream &  ifs)

Input the keyword: RTEMP. RTEMP gives the temperature of reservoir.

TODO: Add Doxygen.

Definition at line 319 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

320 {
321  vector<string> vbuf;
322  ReadLine(ifs, vbuf);
323  if (vbuf[0] == "/") return;
325  rsTemp = stod(vbuf[0]);
326  cout << "RTEMP\n" << rsTemp << endl << endl;
327 }

References ReadLine(), and rsTemp.

◆ InputTABDIMS()

void ParamReservoir::InputTABDIMS ( ifstream &  ifs)

TABDIMS contains the num of saturation region and PVT region.

Read data from the TABDIMS keyword.

Definition at line 739 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

740 {
741  vector<string> vbuf;
742  ReadLine(ifs, vbuf);
744  if (vbuf.size() < 3) {
745  OCP_ABORT("Input the number of Saturation tables, PVT tables, and Rock tables "
746  "in turn!");
747  }
749  NTSFUN = stoi(vbuf[0]);
750  NTPVT = stoi(vbuf[1]);
751  NTROOC = stoi(vbuf[2]);
753  cout << "\n---------------------" << endl
754  << "TABDIMS"
755  << "\n---------------------" << endl;
756  cout << " " << NTSFUN << " " << NTPVT << " " << NTROOC << endl;
757 }

References NTPVT, NTROOC, NTSFUN, OCP_ABORT, and ReadLine().

◆ InputTABLE()

void ParamReservoir::InputTABLE ( ifstream &  ifs,
const string &  tabName 

Input PVTtable and SATtable such as SWOF, PVCO.

TODO: Add Doxygen.

Definition at line 483 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

484 {
485  TableSet* obj;
486  obj = FindPtr_T(tabName);
487  if (obj == nullptr) {
488  OCP_ABORT("Wrong table name :" + tabName);
489  }
491  USI col = obj->colNum;
492  if (tabName == "ZMFVD") {
493  if (!comps) OCP_ABORT("COMPS isn't set correctly!");
494  obj->colNum = numCom + 1;
495  col = obj->colNum;
496  }
497  vector<vector<OCP_DBL>> tmpTab(col);
499  vector<string> vbuf;
500  while (ReadLine(ifs, vbuf)) {
501  if (vbuf[0] == "/") break;
503  for (USI i = 0; i < col; i++) {
504  tmpTab[i].push_back(stod(vbuf[i]));
505  }
507  if (vbuf.back() == "/") {
508  obj->data.push_back(tmpTab);
509  for (USI j = 0; j < col; j++) {
510  tmpTab[j].clear();
511  }
512  }
513  }
514  if (!tmpTab[0].empty()) obj->data.push_back(tmpTab);
516  obj->DisplayTable();
517 }
TableSet * FindPtr_T(const string &varName)
Find pointer to the specified table.
void DisplayTable() const
Print table.

References TableSet::colNum, comps, TableSet::data, TableSet::DisplayTable(), FindPtr_T(), numCom, OCP_ABORT, and ReadLine().

◆ InputTHCON()

void ParamReservoir::InputTHCON ( ifstream &  ifs,
const string &  keyword 

Input the phase ifThermal conductivity.

Read data from the THCONO, THCONG, THCONW.

Definition at line 700 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

701 {
702  vector<string> vbuf;
703  ReadLine(ifs, vbuf);
704  if (keyword == "THCONO") {
705  thcono = stod(vbuf[0]);
706  } else if (keyword == "THCONG") {
707  thcong = stod(vbuf[0]);
708  } else if (keyword == "THCONW") {
709  thconw = stod(vbuf[0]);
710  }
712  cout << "THCONO\n" << thcono << endl << endl;
713  cout << "THCONG\n" << thcong << endl << endl;
714  cout << "THCONW\n" << thconw << endl << endl;
715 }
OCP_DBL thconw
water ifThermal conductivity
OCP_DBL thcong
gas ifThermal conductivity
OCP_DBL thcono
oil ifThermal conductivity

References ReadLine(), thcong, thcono, and thconw.

◆ MultiplyVal()

void ParamReservoir::MultiplyVal ( vector< OCP_DBL > &  obj,
const OCP_DBL val,
const vector< USI > &  index 

TODO: Add Doxygen.

It's used in InputMULTIPLY, multipling the value of a certain range of a variable by a coefficient.

Definition at line 263 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

266 {
267  USI Nx = dimens.nx;
268  USI Ny = dimens.ny;
269  OCP_USI NxNy = Nx * Ny;
270  OCP_USI id = 0;
272  for (USI k = index[4]; k <= index[5]; k++) {
273  for (USI j = index[2]; j <= index[3]; j++) {
274  for (USI i = index[0]; i <= index[1]; i++) {
275  id = k * NxNy + j * Nx + i;
276  obj[id] *= val;
277  }
278  }
279  }
280 }

References dimens, Dimens::nx, and Dimens::ny.

◆ setVal()

template<typename T >
void ParamReservoir::setVal ( vector< T > &  obj,
const T &  val,
const vector< USI > &  index 

It's used in InputEQUALS, assigning values in batches.

TODO: Add Doxygen.

Definition at line 224 of file ParamReservoir.cpp.

225 {
226  USI Nx = dimens.nx;
227  USI Ny = dimens.ny;
228  OCP_USI NxNy = Nx * Ny;
229  OCP_USI id = 0;
231  for (USI k = index[4]; k <= index[5]; k++) {
232  for (USI j = index[2]; j <= index[3]; j++) {
233  for (USI i = index[0]; i <= index[1]; i++) {
234  id = k * NxNy + j * Nx + i;
235  obj[id] = val;
236  }
237  }
238  }
239 }

References dimens, Dimens::nx, and Dimens::ny.

Member Data Documentation

◆ numCom

USI ParamReservoir::numCom

Number of components(hydrocarbon components), used in Compositional Model when input

Definition at line 285 of file ParamReservoir.hpp.

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