OpenCAEPoro  v0.5.0
A simulator for multicomponent porous media flow
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OCPControl Class Reference

All control parameters except for well controllers. More...

#include <OCPControl.hpp>

Public Member Functions

void InputParam (const ParamControl &CtrlParam)
 Input parameters for control.
USI GetModel () const
 Get model.
void ApplyControl (const USI &i, const Reservoir &rs)
 Apply control for time step i.
void InitTime (const USI &i)
 Initialize time step i.
void SetupFastControl (const USI &argc, const char *optset[])
 Setup fast Control.
USI GetMethod () const
 Return type of the solution method.
USI GetNumTSteps () const
 Return number of TSTEPs.
OCP_DBL GetCurTime () const
 Return the current time.
OCP_DBL GetCurDt () const
 Return current time step size.
OCP_DBL GetLastDt () const
 Return last time step size.
USI GetLSiter () const
 Return the number of linear iterations in one time step.
USI GetLSiterT () const
 Return the total number of linear iterations.
USI GetNRiter () const
 Return the number of Newton iterations in one time step.
USI GetNRiterT () const
 Return the total number of Newton iterations.
void UpdateIters ()
 Update the number of iterations.
void UpdateIterLS (const USI &num)
 Update the number of linear iterations.
void UpdateIterNR ()
 Update the number of Newton iterations.
void ResetIterNRLS ()
 Reset the number of iterations.
void RecordTimeLS (const OCP_DBL &t)
 Record time used for linear solver.
void RecordTimeAssembleMat (const OCP_DBL &t)
 Record time used for assemble matrix.
void RecordTimeUpdateProperty (const OCP_DBL &t)
 Record time used for update property.
void RecordTotalTime (const OCP_DBL &t)
 Record the total time of simulation.
OCP_BOOL IsCriticalTime (const USI &d)
 Determine whether the critical time point has been reached.
string GetWorkDir () const
 Return work dir name.
string GetLsFile () const
 Return linear solver file name.
OCP_BOOL Check (Reservoir &rs, initializer_list< string > il)
void CalNextTimeStep (Reservoir &rs, initializer_list< string > il)


class OpenCAEPoro
class OCPOutput
class Out4RPT
class IsoT_FIM
class IsoT_FIMn
class IsoT_IMPEC
class IsoT_AIMc
class T_FIM
class Solver

Detailed Description

All control parameters except for well controllers.

Definition at line 93 of file OCPControl.hpp.

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