OpenCAEPoro  v0.5.0
A simulator for multicomponent porous media flow
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MixtureThermal_K01 Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for MixtureThermal_K01:
MixtureThermal Mixture

Public Member Functions

 MixtureThermal_K01 (const ParamReservoir &param, const USI &tarId)
void Flash (const OCP_DBL &Pin, const OCP_DBL &Tin, const OCP_DBL *Niin) override
 flash calculation with saturation of phases.
void InitFlashIMPEC (const OCP_DBL &Pin, const OCP_DBL &Pbbin, const OCP_DBL &Tin, const OCP_DBL *Sjin, const OCP_DBL &Vpore, const OCP_DBL *Ziin, const OCP_USI &bId) override
 flash calculation with saturation of phases.
void InitFlashFIM (const OCP_DBL &Pin, const OCP_DBL &Pbbin, const OCP_DBL &Tin, const OCP_DBL *Sjin, const OCP_DBL &Vpore, const OCP_DBL *Ziin, const OCP_USI &bId) override
void InitFlashFIMn (const OCP_DBL &Pin, const OCP_DBL &Pbbin, const OCP_DBL &Tin, const OCP_DBL *Sjin, const OCP_DBL &Vpore, const OCP_DBL *Ziin, const OCP_USI &bId) override
void FlashIMPEC (const OCP_DBL &Pin, const OCP_DBL &Tin, const OCP_DBL *Niin, const USI &lastNP, const OCP_DBL *xijin, const OCP_USI &bId) override
 Flash calculation with moles of components.
void FlashFIM (const OCP_DBL &Pin, const OCP_DBL &Tin, const OCP_DBL *Niin, const OCP_DBL *Sjin, const USI &lastNP, const OCP_DBL *xijin, const OCP_USI &bId) override
 Flash calculation with moles of components and Calculate the derivative.
void FlashFIMn (const OCP_DBL &Pin, const OCP_DBL &Tin, const OCP_DBL *Niin, const OCP_DBL *Sjin, const OCP_DBL *xijin, const OCP_DBL *njin, const USI *phaseExistin, const USI &lastNP, const OCP_USI &bId) override
OCP_DBL XiPhase (const OCP_DBL &Pin, const OCP_DBL &Tin, const OCP_DBL *Ziin, const USI &tarPhase) override
OCP_DBL RhoPhase (const OCP_DBL &Pin, const OCP_DBL &Pbb, const OCP_DBL &Tin, const OCP_DBL *Ziin, const USI &tarPhase) override
 return mass density of phase.
void CalProdWeight (const OCP_DBL &Pin, const OCP_DBL &Tin, const OCP_DBL *Niin, const vector< OCP_DBL > &prodPhase, vector< OCP_DBL > &prodWeight) override
 Calculate ProdWeight for PROD well.
void CalProdRate (const OCP_DBL &Pin, const OCP_DBL &Tin, const OCP_DBL *Niin, vector< OCP_DBL > &prodRate) override
 Calculate Production rate for PROD well.
void SetupWellOpt (WellOpt &wellopt, const vector< SolventINJ > &sols, const OCP_DBL &Psurf, const OCP_DBL &Tsurf) override
OCP_DBL CalInjWellEnthalpy (const OCP_DBL &Tin, const OCP_DBL *Ziin) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from MixtureThermal
void Allocate ()
void SetupOptionalFeatures (OptionalFeatures &optFeatures, const OCP_USI &numBulk) override
OCP_DBL GetErrorPEC () override
void OutMixtureIters () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from Mixture
void Allocate ()
 Allocate memory for common variables for basic class.
USI GetMixtureType () const
 return type of mixture.
void CheckNi (const OCP_DBL *Ni)
const OCP_DBLGetNt () const
const OCP_DBLGetNi (const USI &i) const
const OCP_DBLGetVf () const
const OCP_BOOLGetPhaseExist (const USI &j) const
const OCP_DBLGetS (const USI &j) const
const OCP_DBLGetVj (const USI &j) const
const OCP_DBLGetNj (const USI &j) const
const OCP_DBLGetXij (const USI &j, const USI &i) const
const OCP_DBLGetRho (const USI &j) const
const OCP_DBLGetXi (const USI &j) const
const OCP_DBLGetMu (const USI &j) const
const OCP_DBLGetVfP () const
const OCP_DBLGetVfT () const
const OCP_DBLGetVfi (const USI &i) const
const OCP_DBLGetRhoP (const USI &j) const
const OCP_DBLGetRhoT (const USI &j) const
const OCP_DBLGetXiP (const USI &j) const
const OCP_DBLGetXiT (const USI &j) const
const OCP_DBLGetMuP (const USI &j) const
const OCP_DBLGetMuT (const USI &j) const
const OCP_DBLGetRhoX (const USI &j, const USI &i) const
const OCP_DBLGetXiX (const USI &j, const USI &i) const
const OCP_DBLGetMuX (const USI &j, const USI &i) const
const OCP_BOOLGetPSderExist (const USI &j) const
const USIGetPVnumCom (const USI &j) const
const vector< OCP_DBL > & GetDXsDXp () const
const vector< OCP_DBL > & GetRes () const
const OCP_DBL GetResPc () const
const OCP_DBL GetUf () const
const OCP_DBL GetUfP () const
const OCP_DBL GetUfT () const
const OCP_DBL GetUfi (const USI &i) const
const OCP_DBL GetH (const USI &j) const
const OCP_DBL GetHT (const USI &j) const
const OCP_DBLGetHx (const USI &j, const USI &i) const

Protected Member Functions

void CalEnthalpy ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Mixture
void SetBulkId (const OCP_USI &n)

Protected Attributes

 Reference pressure.
 Reference temperature.
vector< OCP_DBLMWc
 Molecular Weight of components.
vector< OCP_DBLMWp
 Molecular Weight of phase.
vector< OCP_DBLTcrit
 Critical temperature of hydrocarbon components.
vector< OCP_DBLxi_ref
vector< OCP_DBLcp
 Component compressibility, 1/psi.
vector< OCP_DBLct1
 The first thermal expansion coefficient, 1/F.
vector< OCP_DBLct2
 The second thermal expansion coefficient, 1/F.
vector< OCP_DBLcpt
OCP_BOOL liquid_based {OCP_TRUE}
 Calculated enthalpy of fluid based liquid.
OCP_BOOL gas_based {OCP_FALSE}
 Calculated enthalpy of fluid based gas.
OCP_BOOL simple_hvap {OCP_FALSE}
vector< OCP_DBLcpl1
vector< OCP_DBLcpl2
vector< OCP_DBLcpl3
vector< OCP_DBLcpl4
vector< OCP_DBLcpg1
vector< OCP_DBLcpg2
vector< OCP_DBLcpg3
vector< OCP_DBLcpg4
vector< OCP_DBLhvapr
 Coefficients in the component gas enthalpy calculations, Btu/lbmol.
vector< OCP_DBLhvr
 Coefficients in the vaporization enthalpy calculations.
vector< OCP_DBLev
 Coefficients in the vaporization enthalpy calculations.
vector< OCP_DBLavisc
 Coefficients in water and oil viscosity correlation formulae.
vector< OCP_DBLbvisc
 Coefficients in water and oil viscosity correlation formulae.
vector< OCP_DBLavg
 Coefficients Ak in gas viscosity correlation formulae.
vector< OCP_DBLbvg
 Coefficients Bk in gas viscosity correlation formulae.
OCP_BOOL useViscTab
 If use viscosity to calculate viscosity.
OCPTable visc
 Viscosity-versus-temperature dependence.
vector< OCP_DBLdata
vector< OCP_DBLcdata
- Protected Attributes inherited from Mixture
USI mixtureType
OCP_USI bulkId
 index of current bulk
USI numPhase
 num of phases.
USI numCom
 num of components.
 pressure when flash calculation.
 temperature when flash calculation.
 volume of total fluids.
 Total moles of Components.
vector< OCP_DBLNi
 moles of component: numCom
vector< OCP_BOOLphaseExist
 existence of phase: numPhase
vector< OCP_DBLS
 saturation of phase: numPhase
vector< OCP_DBLvj
 volume of phase: numPhase;
vector< OCP_DBLnj
 mole number of phase j
vector< OCP_DBLxij
 Nij / nj: numPhase*numCom.
vector< OCP_DBLrho
 mass density of phase: numPhase
vector< OCP_DBLxi
 molar density of phase: numPhase
vector< OCP_DBLmu
 viscosity of phase: numPhase
 d vf / dT
vector< OCP_DBLvfi
vector< OCP_DBLrhoP
 d rho / dP: numphase
vector< OCP_DBLrhoT
 d rho j / dT: numPhase
vector< OCP_DBLrhox
 d rho[j] / d x[i][j]: numphase * numCom
vector< OCP_DBLxiP
 d xi / dP: numphase
vector< OCP_DBLxiT
 d xi j / dT: numPhase
vector< OCP_DBLxix
 d xi[j] / d x[i][j]: numphase * numCom
vector< OCP_DBLmuP
 d mu / dP: numPhase
vector< OCP_DBLmuT
 d mu j / dT: numPhase
vector< OCP_DBLmux
 d mu[j] / d x[i][j]: numphase * numCom
vector< OCP_DBLdXsdXp
 derivatives of second variables wrt. primary variables
 Internal energy of fluid.
 dUf / dP
 dUf / dT
vector< OCP_DBLUfi
 dUf / dNi
vector< OCP_DBLH
vector< OCP_DBLHT
 d Hj / d T
vector< OCP_DBLHx
 d Hj / d xij
vector< OCP_BOOLpSderExist
 Existence of derivative of phase saturation.
vector< USIpVnumCom
 num of variable components in the phase
vector< OCP_DBLres
 residual of a set of equations
 a precalculated value
vector< OCP_DBLkeyDer
 d (xij*xi/mu) / dP or dNk

Detailed Description

Definition at line 65 of file MixtureThermal.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ SetupWellOpt()

void MixtureThermal_K01::SetupWellOpt ( WellOpt opt,
const vector< SolventINJ > &  sols,
const OCP_DBL Psurf,
const OCP_DBL Tsurf 

Setup injZi, injProdPhase and factorINJ for INJ well Setup prodPhaseWeight for PROD well

Implements Mixture.

Definition at line 566 of file MixtureThermal_k.cpp.

570 {
571  const USI wellType = opt.WellType();
572  if (wellType == INJ) {
573  const string fluidName = opt.InjFluidType();
574  vector<OCP_DBL> tmpZi(numCom, 0);
575  if (fluidName == "WAT") {
576  tmpZi.back() = 1;
577  opt.SetInjProdPhase(WATER);
578  // lbmol / ft3 -> lbmol / bbl for
579  // injfluid Use flash in Bulk in surface condition
580  OCP_DBL tmp = CONV1 * XiPhase(Psurf, Tsurf, &tmpZi[0], WATER);
581  opt.SetInjFactor(tmp);
582  } else {
583  OCP_ABORT("WRONG Fluid Type!");
584  }
585  opt.SetInjZi(tmpZi);
586  } else if (wellType == PROD) {
587  vector<OCP_DBL> tmpWght(numPhase, 0);
588  switch (opt.OptMode()) {
589  case ORATE_MODE:
590  tmpWght[0] = 1;
591  break;
592  case WRATE_MODE:
593  tmpWght[1] = 1;
594  break;
595  case LRATE_MODE:
596  tmpWght[0] = 1;
597  tmpWght[1] = 1;
598  break;
599  default:
600  OCP_ABORT("WRONG optMode");
601  break;
602  }
603  opt.SetProdPhaseWeight(tmpWght);
604  } else {
605  OCP_ABORT("Wrong Well Type!");
606  }
607 }
unsigned int USI
Generic unsigned integer.
Definition: OCPConst.hpp:23
double OCP_DBL
Double precision.
Definition: OCPConst.hpp:27
1 bbl = CONV1 ft3
Definition: OCPConst.hpp:63
Well option = fixed fluid rate???
Definition: OCPConst.hpp:134
Well option = fixed water rate.
Definition: OCPConst.hpp:133
Fluid type = water.
Definition: OCPConst.hpp:93
Well option = fixed oil rate.
Definition: OCPConst.hpp:131
const USI PROD
Well type = producer.
Definition: OCPConst.hpp:123
const USI INJ
Well type = injector.
Definition: OCPConst.hpp:122
#define OCP_ABORT(msg)
Abort if critical error happens.
Definition: UtilError.hpp:47
OCP_DBL XiPhase(const OCP_DBL &Pin, const OCP_DBL &Tin, const OCP_DBL *Ziin, const USI &tarPhase) override
USI numCom
num of components.
Definition: Mixture.hpp:242
USI numPhase
num of phases.
Definition: Mixture.hpp:241

References CONV1, INJ, LRATE_MODE, Mixture::numCom, Mixture::numPhase, OCP_ABORT, ORATE_MODE, PROD, WATER, WRATE_MODE, and XiPhase().

◆ XiPhase()

OCP_DBL MixtureThermal_K01::XiPhase ( const OCP_DBL Pin,
const OCP_DBL Tin,
const OCP_DBL Ziin,
const USI tarPhase 

Return molar density of phase, it's used to calculate the molar density of injection fluids in injection wells.

Implements Mixture.

Definition at line 454 of file MixtureThermal_k.cpp.

458 {
459  P = Pin;
460  T = Tin + CONV5;
461  const OCP_DBL dP = P - Pref;
462  const OCP_DBL dT = T - Tref;
464  if (tarPhase == WATER) {
465  // inj fluid is water
466  OCP_DBL xiw = xi_ref[1] * exp(cp[1] * dP - ct1[1] * dT -
467  ct2[1] * pow(dT, 2) / 2 + cpt[1] * dP * dT);
468  return xiw;
469  } else {
470  OCP_ABORT("Wrong tarPhase!");
471  }
472 }
0 F = CONV5 R
Definition: OCPConst.hpp:67
vector< OCP_DBL > cpt
vector< OCP_DBL > ct1
The first thermal expansion coefficient, 1/F.
Reference temperature.
vector< OCP_DBL > ct2
The second thermal expansion coefficient, 1/F.
Reference pressure.
vector< OCP_DBL > xi_ref
vector< OCP_DBL > cp
Component compressibility, 1/psi.
pressure when flash calculation.
Definition: Mixture.hpp:243
temperature when flash calculation.
Definition: Mixture.hpp:244

References CONV5, cp, cpt, ct1, ct2, OCP_ABORT, Mixture::P, Pref, Mixture::T, Tref, WATER, and xi_ref.

Member Data Documentation

◆ cdata

vector<OCP_DBL> MixtureThermal_K01::cdata

Auxiliary variables used to calculate viscosity with interpolating tab

Definition at line 200 of file MixtureThermal.hpp.

◆ cpg1

vector<OCP_DBL> MixtureThermal_K01::cpg1

Coefficients in the component liquid enthalpy calculations, Btu/lbmol/F

Definition at line 178 of file MixtureThermal.hpp.

◆ cpg2

vector<OCP_DBL> MixtureThermal_K01::cpg2

Coefficients in the component liquid enthalpy calculations, Btu/lbmol/F^2

Definition at line 180 of file MixtureThermal.hpp.

◆ cpg3

vector<OCP_DBL> MixtureThermal_K01::cpg3

Coefficients in the component liquid enthalpy calculations, Btu/lbmol/F^3

Definition at line 182 of file MixtureThermal.hpp.

◆ cpg4

vector<OCP_DBL> MixtureThermal_K01::cpg4

Coefficients in the component liquid enthalpy calculations, Btu/lbmol/F^4

Definition at line 184 of file MixtureThermal.hpp.

◆ cpl1

vector<OCP_DBL> MixtureThermal_K01::cpl1

Coefficients in the component liquid enthalpy calculations, Btu/lbmol/F

Definition at line 170 of file MixtureThermal.hpp.

◆ cpl2

vector<OCP_DBL> MixtureThermal_K01::cpl2

Coefficients in the component liquid enthalpy calculations, Btu/lbmol/F^2

Definition at line 172 of file MixtureThermal.hpp.

◆ cpl3

vector<OCP_DBL> MixtureThermal_K01::cpl3

Coefficients in the component liquid enthalpy calculations, Btu/lbmol/F^3

Definition at line 174 of file MixtureThermal.hpp.

◆ cpl4

vector<OCP_DBL> MixtureThermal_K01::cpl4

Coefficients in the component liquid enthalpy calculations, Btu/lbmol/F^4

Definition at line 176 of file MixtureThermal.hpp.

◆ cpt

vector<OCP_DBL> MixtureThermal_K01::cpt

The coefficient of density dependence on temperature and pressure, 1/psi-F

Definition at line 164 of file MixtureThermal.hpp.

◆ data

vector<OCP_DBL> MixtureThermal_K01::data

Auxiliary variables used to calculate viscosity with interpolating tab

Definition at line 198 of file MixtureThermal.hpp.

◆ simple_hvap

OCP_BOOL MixtureThermal_K01::simple_hvap {OCP_FALSE}

Calculated enthalpy of fluid with simple enthalpy of evaporation

Definition at line 168 of file MixtureThermal.hpp.

◆ xi_ref

vector<OCP_DBL> MixtureThermal_K01::xi_ref

Component molar density at reference temperature and reference pressure, lb/ft3

Definition at line 159 of file MixtureThermal.hpp.

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